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Using DayScheduler: Babysitter

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In this day and age technology has made it easy for parents to hire babysitters. Many babysitters have their own blogs and social media accounts, and parents can post reviews and hire them if they think that a certain babysitter is right for the job.

I have been babysitting for the last five years, and to be honest, it took me a lot of time to realize the importance of using technology to getting myself out as an experienced babysitter.

For me, one of the biggest challenges, was scheduling. All the back and forth texts trying to figure out open dates and schedulers actually wasted a lot of time and in the end, I lost a few clients because of this.

One day I was just browsing the internet and came across DayScheduler. Once I read the features, I knew that this would help me a lot. The price per year was low, and there was a free trial, so I gave it a try.

I started to publish my schedule online, as part of my blog, and gave my regular clients the link to it. I blocked the days I could not babysit and those that I had school assignments or other commitments. This helped me manage my availability and made the parents happy (no more back and forth emails and texts). All they had to do now was to follow my blog link, look for an open day in the calendar view, and click on date, enter some details and click on submit to request the day!

DayScheduler sends me an email with a calendar entry, which I can accept or reject depending on my latest schedule and or needs.

I love it and recommend other babysitters use DayScheduler as well. If you are not sure about it then you can first try the free version of the software and later upgrade to the full version of the program.
