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Using DayScheduler: Traveling SME

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For me DayScheduler is all about saving time while providing better service to my audience.

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I support twelve member sales team who support hundreds of customers each.

As a subject matter expert I present new industry trends, concepts, ideas and explain how they can provide value by implementing them with the services my company can provide. I get to visit some of the largest companies in North America, and have great talks with incredibly smart people about the not-so-far future.

I am what it called a road-warrior. I am on a plane every week to see customers or present at events. I am typically booked a month ahead visiting two or three different cities per week. As with everything, sometimes schedules change, and they have to be re-arranged. To some it is a crazy schedule, but to me it is just what I do.

I needed a way to keep my schedule

  1. up-to-date so my customers can quickly view my availability
  2. open for folks to request an available day
  3. available from anywhere / anytime

I found while looking for a solutions via Google Search. After using it for the last 6 months, I can, without a doubt, say that it has saved me not only time, but has improved the relationship with my customers.

In the past used to receive emails asking if I had this or that day available for a customer visit. After they send those days to the customer, they came back with different days and the back and forth continued multiple times.

Now I just point them to my own URL and they simply look at my availability and request a day that is convenient for everyone. DayScheduler send a request to my outlook calendar, and I accept it.

I do block days that I have personal activities as well as holidays, vacations and such. Even my own family has requested days they need me at home.

Looking for more use cases? See the Series: Using DayScheduler
